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Ways to Protect Your Home on the Market

Protect Your Home

Selling your home can be stressful. There is so much to worry about, like finding time to clean and looking for your next home. Not to stress you out anymore, but there are some things you need to think about when you are putting your house on the market. One thing many people don’t think about while selling their homes is protecting their privacy. Not only are you protecting your privacy, but you are ensuring that you are keeping your advantage as the seller. Leaving specific items around your house may give buyers too much insight into your financial situation or personal life, giving you less negotiating power.   

For example, during a showing, having strangers come into your home over the course of a couple of months may leave you vulnerable. Ensuring that you have the knowledge to protect your home and privacy is essential. How do you protect your home and privacy while it’s on the market? We have a couple of things to consider. Interested in more tips than we have listed in our blog? Check out our inspiration! 

Remove All Mail 

Removing the mail may seem like a no-brainer. Of course, you would remove a stack of mail on your counter. We aren’t just talking about mail that you threw on the counter last week; we are talking about mail in the junk draw in the kitchen and random letters that might be scattered around your home.   

Ensuring that all of the pieces of mail are placed somewhere where prospective buyers won’t see them is a sure way to protect your privacy. Putting your mail in your car or another location will ensure that none of your potential buyers get an intentional or unintentional look into your personal life.   

Clear the Walls 

We know that you want to highlight all of your accomplishments, but having your and your families’ achievements hung up all over the wall of your house is something you should afford. For example, removing diplomas and other academic achievements will ensure that buyers cannot look further into your personal life. It also ensures that you keep your anonymity as a seller, giving you a strategic advantage.    

Consider Identity Thieves 

You might think it is far-fetched, but some identity thieves can use home showings as a way to get highly personal information about the homeowner. It is essential that you protect your home and privacy by removing all your mail and anything that may have pieces of your personal information. Consider the following list:   

Wi-Fi Security 

Contact your Wi-Fi provider to ensure that you have a secured network connection. Without a secure network, it is much simpler for an identity thief to hop onto your Wi-Fi, giving them access to highly personal information. While this does not commonly occur, it is always better to be safe than sorry. We suggest disconnecting your Wi-Fi during the showings and tours if you are unsure how secure the network is. This is especially important for individuals who work from home. There is so much data stored on your Wi-Fi router that you need to ensure you can protect that vital information, which sellers need to consider.    

Get More Information 

There is so much to consider when you are looking to sell your home, but that is why you need an agent you can trust! Our expert realtors can make sure you are checking out all the right things and lead you through the process. Let us know how these tips work out for you! If you are interested in purchasing a home or selling a home in East Central Indiana, learn more about American Heritage Realty. We have been in operation since 1977, and we have the expertise and technology to help you buy a home or sell a home. Get to know us! 

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