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Stop! Don’t Make These Landscaping Mistakes

Landscaping Mistakes

Landscaping Mistakes

Considering landscaping before listing your home? Stop! Don’t make these landscaping mistakes before listing your home to sell.

Spring is just around the corner!  Here at American Heritage Realty, we are looking forward to celebrating longer sunnier days in East Central Indiana.  If you’re anything like us, when spring arrives you look forward to going to The Backyard garden center or heading to the Amish Flower auction in Wayne County.  However, before you grab your credit card and truck we want to say STOP! Don’t make these landscaping mistakes that could hurt the value of your home.

We get asked a lot of questions about what to do to increase the value of a home. One of the top questions we are asked is about landscaping and whether it truly increases the value.  The answer is YES! However, it has to be done right.  We get that question so often we’ve decided to write an article about mistakes to avoid when landscaping your home before selling.

How Does Landscaping Increase A Home’s Value?

Many times sellers know that preparing their home for the market means it’s time to touch up paint, clear clutter in the bedrooms, wash the kitchen cabinets, and put away knick-knacks.  Updating landscaping is often missed on the checklist of things to do before listing your home.  However, new or updated landscaping can lead to an offer quicker than you might think!

Ways Landscaping Increases Value and Speeds Up Incoming Offers

Don’t Make These Landscaping Mistakes

Now that we know how landscaping adds value to a home and speeds up incoming offers, let us dive into the landscaping mistakes that will send buyers running to another house.

Large Trees, Small Lawn – Large trees near a home or large trees in a very small lawn can leave buyers wondering about the structural damage of a home.  So, when you are looking for the perfect tree that will be close to the home look for small trees with short roots.

Too Many Annuals – You might be thinking of buying a lot of annuals to keep your costs down but, that tactic will not fool a potential buyer.  If they are going to pay a premium for your home they will expect perennials.

No Crazy Containers – It’s a hot trend to plant flowers in old bathtubs, wagons, boots, and more but, we are here to say no.  Just no.  Every buyer’s tastes are different so, keep your landscaping simple, neat, and clean.

Don’t Over Do Yard Ornaments or Gnomes – One gnome is cute, 15 are tacky.  So, take it from us don’t over do yard ornaments, gnomes, or other stones.  Again, buyers like to see a neat, tidy, clean home inside and out.  Don’t ruin beautiful landscaping with a lot of ornaments so, choose your gnome carefully.

Landscaping done right can add value to your home so, consult an expert to help you create a planting plan that’s within your budget.  You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars, clearing out, cleaning up and fresh mulch can go a long way to improve curb appeal.

Whether you are considering buying or selling, we are the people you know and the agents you can trust in East Central Indiana.  Call us for a free market analysis of your home’s value.

Looking for home selling tips?  Check out these blogs!

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