With the rise of social media and websites, we can’t stress enough the importance of photography. Professional and appealing photos are the first thing that draws in buyers. Well-done images will be the key to getting buyers to view your property. Many buyers will click away from a listing as soon as they see no pictures available.
If you are stressed about getting the best pictures of your property, don’t worry, we have a couple of things for you to keep in mind when you prepare your home for a photographer. If you are interested in more content similar to this article, check out our American Heritage Realty blog. We have tips and tricks from buyers and sellers alike.
Think About the Details
When you prepare your home for a photographer, you need to think about the details. Buyers see more than you think they will. Whether it is a dark closet, messy living room, cluttered kitchen, or dirty baseboard, potential buyers will see it all. The photographs of your home say a thousand words.
- A cluttered kitchen could be an indicator of a lack of storage space
- Dirty baseboards could mean a lack of general maintenance of the home
- Unfinished renovation or repairs could indicate a lack of financial stability
There are so many conclusions that potential home buyers could draw about your home, so you need to put your best foot forward and ensure that your home is decluttered and cleaned from top to bottom. If you are concerned about the time, it will take, consider asking friends and family for help. When your photographer comes, it is crucial that your home looks homey but not lived in. So, cleaning and decluttering are on the top of your to-do list. Here are some things to consider when you prepare your home for a photographer.
- Remove personal items from around the house
- Add brighter lighting to dark spaces
- Declutter closets and small spaces as much as possible
- Clean the windows
- If baseboards still look dirty after cleaning, paint them
Don’t Rely too Heavily on the Photographer
Photographers obviously want to give you the best possible photos, but there is only so much they can do for you. Outside of angles, lighting and resolution, you are responsible for ensuring that the pictures turn out well. According to Search Salt Lake, photographers cannot do the following things:
- Move or rearrange Funiture
- Make beds, clean, dust or declutter
- Pick up toys or yard items
- Photoshop vehicles, walls, damaged walls, power lines, wall photos, etc.
- Touch personal items such as bathroom supplies, shampoo, towels, toothbrushes
Ensure that everything is ready for your photographer when they come to your home. It may be helpful to take some test photos on your phone to get an idea of what rooms will look like in the photos.
Exterior Photos are Just as Important and the Interior
While most of this article has focused on the appeal of the interior of your home, you need to remember that the outside is just as important as the inside. Take a walk around the perimeter of your home to determine the curb appeal.
- Do the bushes look overgrown?
- Is the mulch looking patchy?
- Does the entrance look inviting to potential buyers?
Make sure to remove anything that might be distracting in a photo, such as toys, trash or recycling cans, extra cars and any additional clutter. One tip that we always give to sellers when the photographer is coming is to wash down the driveway. It will make the driveway and sidewalks seem richer in photos.
Consider Drone Images
Do you have a home with interesting architecture or acres of land? Then we would suggest getting drone imaging done for your home. Drone images can give a potential buyer an idea of the expansiveness of acreage or show off a home’s assets. If you are interested in selling your home at American Heritage Realty, we offer drone and 3D walk-through imaging. Show off every piece of your property by working with our friendly and experienced agents.
Get More Information
Let us know if you use these suggestions when you prepare your home for a photographer! There is so much to consider when you are looking to sell your home, but that is why you need an agent you can trust! Our expert realtors will lead you through the process. If you are interested in purchasing a home or selling a home in East Central Indiana, learn more about American Heritage Realty. We have been in operation since 1977, and we have the expertise and technology to help you buy a home or sell a home. Get to know us!